7.3 Power Stroke Engine High Pressure Oil Rail Bleeders

Rosewood Diesel Shop 7.3 Power Stroke Engine 7.3 High Pressure Oil Rail Bleeders

Starting the 7.3 Power Stroke after an injector change typically involves cranking for about 45 seconds, stopping for a few minutes, then repeat 2 to 3 times until the engine starts. Then, there will still be air in the High Pressure Oil system for 50 to 100 miles or so, which requires extended cranking every time you start the engine until all the air is bled out of the system.

With our High Pressure Oil Rail Bleeders, you will push the air out of the oil rails during a shortened initial cranking cycle so there is no continued extended cranking, and no extended wear on the starter and batteries!!

7.3 High Pressure Oil Rail Bleeders
Price: $35

Rosewood Diesel Tools 7.3 Power Stroke Engine High Pressure Oil Rail Bleeders

2 - 7.3 Power Stroke Engine High Pressure Oil Rail Bleeders. Bleeders include clear hoses to easily watch oil flow.